after the funeral, we piled in all the buses and cars we have and took as many kids from the orphanage as possible to the cemetery. it was quite an experience. in a dominican cemetery there are above ground graves and basically it’s just a hollowed out rectangle of concrete with one open side to slide the coffin in. then on the side there are more concrete bricks and extra water and cement powder to create the mortar. so the family members slid the coffin in and then a few guys worked to mix the cement and water... then they basically closed up the grave brick by brick. there were probably over 200 of us standing around watching, crying and singing songs while they laid her to rest.
it all happened so fast. from the time we heard about her death, to the funeral and then she was in the grave… all within a span of less than 9 hours… so there wasn’t a whole lot of time to process everything. i do know that it put everything in perspective, though. with my last week approaching, i know that i was starting to get stressed wanting to get everything done. i have been having a lot of problems with paola who has been starting to get upset that i am leaving soon, i was at my wit’s end with the stupid flies that are everywhere, and then someone stole a big chunk of my money out of my office, so i was upset about that. basically i was just irritable and ready to come home, but after all this, i realized how small and petty most of the things are that we worry or stress about are. during the funeral our director told the kids that we can all learn from magalis that we never know when God will call us home and it’s why we have to make the most of everyday. you never know if that person next to you is going to be there tomorrow or when we ourselves will have our last day. life's too short to sweat the small stuff.
it doesn't seem fair or right that she had to be taken so young, but and now we know that we have a little angel up in heaven, always watching over us and our home.
rest in peace magalis.
"somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. do it! i say, whatever you want to do, do it now! there are only so many tomorrows." - pope paul IV
1 comment:
Dear Megan ,
I am so sorry about little magalis. The death of any little one is hard but to lose her from something as simple (well it would be simple in either of our countries) as chicken pox is very sad. But so many people did so much to try to help her. Loves shines in the adversity of life and certainly she has gone through the door that leads to no more suffering. You will have an angel to watch over you back home - she seems like such a joyful little girl.
We live believing we are in control - but what is there we can really say that we do. The past is gone, the future never does what you wnat and the present is all there is to do your best in. And knowing that is not a bad thing, it is not a sad thing either - giving everything to 'now' means you should have no regrets.
God Bless you in yur last weeks and have a safe journey home.
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