
week 50: bonding time (may 25-31)

boys will be boys: aside from still being pretty busy in the special needs house trying to get a bunch of stuff in order before i go, i spent a lot of this week just hanging out with my boys in santa rosa. now, they usually do some pretty crazy things... and i give them credit, they are very creative. just about everything we find... from sticks to plastic bags or water bottle caps... can be made into a toy or game. but this week, their stunts started to get a little dangerous. the first one was probably my fault... a couple weeks ago, i showed them the movie "hot rod" (for you bubba!) and every since then, they've been really into bicycle stunts. it has been mostly about what types of things they can jump over, but this week they decided to try to and go down the slide in their backyard on the bicycle. it was actually quite funny, but probably not the best idea ever. and i'm probably not the best volunteer ever for sitting there and watching them do it... but it was pretty funny.... and no one got hurt! we had to re-attach the seat a few times afterwards, but overall it was pretty successful. then they tried to build a ramp and ride the bicycle up the slide... but this endeavor was not quite as successful. the other thing they have been into this week is creating sling shots. now i've seen several ways to create sling shots, but i've never seen this one. (perhaps if i was a boy, i would have learned these things growing up, but this was all new to me). so they have been finding little scrap pieces of pvc pipe and then attaching balloons to the end of them. then they put a rock in the balloon, pull it back and shoot it out. now they asked me to try it in the house (again, not the best idea), but i did and i had no idea what i was doing and i shot it so hard right into the window... which luckily is just this metal thing with no glass, so it just made a really loud noise. i got kinda nervous cuz i thought the tia was going to come yell at me for being a bad example, but the boys just laughed and thought it was hilarious. we then proceeded outside, where they spent the rest of the afternoon trying to shoot eachother with rocks, hiding behind bushes and walls like little soldiers. i tried to say, "you're gonna shoot your eye out" in spanish, but i don't think they understood my christmas story reference. hopefully no one ends up in the hospital!

do the dew: a couple weeks ago, my good friend matt toney, being the nice guy he is, sent me 6 mountain dews in the mail! it was such a nice surprise and i have been waiting for just the right occasion to drink them up! after thinking about it, i decided that i think it is everyone's right to be able to taste this glorious green goodness that is mountain dew at least once in their life. and since they don't sell mountain dew anywhere on this island, i decided to bring them over and share them with my boys in santa rosa. they were pretty excited because i don't think they've ever seen green soda before and it was very interesting trying to explain the word "dew" in spanish. i'm pretty sure they have no idea what i was talking about. but, regardless, i think they enjoyed it. although i don't think they appreciate the amazingness as much as i do... they all seemed more interested in who got to keep the bottles afterwards than the actual drink.... like little kids playing with the boxes on christmas! who knows what fun games we'll be able to come up with with six empty mountain dew bottles!!

"evangelization: one begger telling another begger where the food is." - mother teresa

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