
week 41: down on the farm (march 23-29)

beef… it’s what’s for dinner: so i took the special needs kids down to visit the other kids at recess on monday. when we got there, all the kids on the playground were so excited, telling me that they had killed a cow today. i was like, “what?” and then i looked over toward the farm area (we have like a whole garden and farm area with a couple cows, pigs and sheep) and sure enough there were like four men standing around a huge cow lying on the floor. so we spent recess watching from the jungle gym as they loaded it into the truck and drove it around to the back of the kitchen. i was a little grossed out, but also a little curious… so before lunch i headed back to check it out. the cow was laid out on this board on top of cinder blocks… it’s head and feet cut off and sitting over to the side… and there were 4 guys with machetes and knifes chopping the rest of it apart. it was quite the site. they were out there all afternoon in the in the hot, hot sun, cutting it up, so it’ll be interesting when it’s on the lunch plate next week!

state fair: there was also an agricultural/farming fair in the capital this week. the sixth and seventh grade kids from the school went on friday and then another smaller group went on saturday, so i tagged along. it was pretty fun, and it actually felt a little like the state fair (well what i can remember from the last state fair i went to like 10 years ago). there were tons of fruits and vegetables, animals (some of the biggest cows i’ve ever seen), a horse and dog show, and a couple rides. the kids had fun just walking around and looking at everything. it’s fun to be able to do things like this with them… being able to take them out of the orphanage and do “normal kid” stuff.

"it's not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." - charles spurgeon

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