
week 39: the little things (march 9-15)

robocito: nothing too terribly exciting happened this week, but most of the time being here makes me realize how it's the little things in life that are the most important. for example, this week the boys in santa rosa and i spent most of our time after lunch playing with "robocito" ("little robot"). he is a little lego man that has lost his hat, so it has been replaced with a thumb tac by jose and josecito. basically robocito just likes to sit on the table and watch us eat or sit by and watch us play outside. but apparently this week he was feeling rather photogenic, so we took a bunch of pictures with him. my favorite part about robocito is his "bling-bling" which is a little gold ring that we put around his neck. (my other favorite part is listening to my boys say "bling-bling" in their spanish accents). it's things like robocito that make the kids here so special and i think i realized that these random times we spend hanging out, laughing in the backyard after lunch or after school are going to be some of my best memories from my time here.

adios canadians: this was also the last week of more than 2 months of groups from canada being here volunteering with us. so, it was our last weekend to make a trip to the pool. (every weekend, the canadians have taken a group of kids either to the beach or to a local hotel) this week we went with the baby house and the special needs kids, so it was quite the interesting combination. we had a great time though, swimming a ton and eating as much as we could at the lunch buffet! again, these kids find so much joy from things that i take for granted...like a dirty hotel swimming pool and an overcooked hamburger! ...but to them, they were the greatest things in the world.

"enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." - antonio smith

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