
week 37: re-adjusting (february 23 - march 1)

coming back: being home was so much fun, but it flew by so quickly! it was just a whirlwind of trying to see people and trying to eat tons of good food (which my stomach wasn’t very happy about). it was definitely weird though and i know when i come home for good it’ll be a tough adjustment. these are just two different worlds and it gives you a lot to think about. but anyway, since i've been back i've been just trying to enjoy my last 4 months here because i know it's going to be over before i know it! but it was so great to see so many of you while i was home and thank you so much for all your support and prayers!!

independence day: this friday, february 27 was independence day in the dominican republic, where they celebrate their independence as a country in 1844 and honor the country's heroes (duarte, mella, and sanchez). one of the traditions in san pedro is that all the schools march in a parade around the town. this year was the first year that our kids participated with all the other schools. fifty kids were chosen from our school from 3rd-7th grade to march. the other volunteers and i went into town to support our kids from the sidelines. there were hundreds of kids that marched from dozens of different schools… some sang, some chanted, others dressed up and/or played instruments. we had two parts to our group, the first group of kids marched with their school uniforms and their faces painted like the dominican flag. they carried the 16 different dominican flags to show how the code of arms has changed over the years. in the back, was another group of our kids that dressed up in traditional soldier gear, led by three kids dressed up as the three founding fathers mentioned above. all in all it was so great to see our kids out in the community participating with all the other schools. and they did such a great job. for a group that often times struggles with discipline, they took this event incredibly seriously and did an awesome job. i think they were really proud to march for their country and to represent their school and the home. all of us volunteers felt like proud parents sitting on the sidelines cheering them on!

"since God is unlimited, his love is unlimited. since God is everywhere, his love is everywhere." - st. john eudes

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